
Expanding Your Vocabulary, One Quiz at a Time!

30 Sep

1 / 20

As winter approaches, animals like bears prepare for what?

2 / 20

A negative comment online might be considered a form of what?

3 / 20

During Christmas, children often receive gifts from which legendary figure?

4 / 20

The annual “Running of the Bulls” festival takes place in which Spanish city?

5 / 20

Failure to adhere to safety protocols in a laboratory can result in what?

6 / 20

Parents often insist that their children finish which task before playing?

7 / 20

Consuming too many calories can result in which condition affecting body weight?

8 / 20

A key aspect of chess involves planning several moves ahead; this skill is known as what?

9 / 20

Animals that are warm-blooded regulate their body temperature internally; which group of animals does this include?

10 / 20

Many people associate chocolate with which occasion celebrated on February 14th?

11 / 20

Believing that a picture is worth a thousand words, artists often express themselves through which medium?

12 / 20

In a gym, which piece of equipment is commonly used for cardiovascular exercise?

13 / 20

People often cry at the ending of which type of movie?

14 / 20

A scientist’s claim about a new discovery must be supported by what?

15 / 20

To fit in with local customs, tourists often learn basic phrases in which aspect of culture?

16 / 20

During autumn, people often gather leaves for what purpose?

17 / 20

The longest undefended border in the world is between which two countries?

18 / 20

Cacti have adapted to survive in deserts by storing what in their tissues?

19 / 20

When looking to buy fresh bread, which shop should you visit?

20 / 20

Musicians with a good ear can easily do what?

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The average score is 85%

07 Oct

1 / 20

Which animal is often symbolized in campaigns to save endangered species?

2 / 20

Which city is located on the east coast of the United States?

3 / 20

During a film shoot, which professional is responsible for capturing the visual elements of the movie?

4 / 20

Which fashion trend was popular during the decade known as the Roaring Twenties?

5 / 20

Inflation is a key factor influencing which economic aspect?

6 / 20

Which animal is known for its ability to change color for camouflage?

7 / 20

Temperatures rise during which part of the day?

8 / 20

The Dead Sea is famous for allowing people to do what effortlessly?

9 / 20

An immune response is triggered in the body by what?

10 / 20

People usually wear warm clothes during which season?

11 / 20

Each side of a square has the same what?

12 / 20

Sign language primarily uses which part of the body for communication?

13 / 20

Chili peppers are known for their hot flavor and are commonly used in which cuisine?

14 / 20

Butterflies and moths are similar but differ in their activity during which time?

15 / 20

The invention of the internet had a significant impact on which area?

16 / 20

Which television series features the Stark family?

17 / 20

A major concern about climate change is the rising levels of what?

18 / 20

The annual Boston Marathon is a famous race in which sport?

19 / 20

Natural fibers like cotton are commonly used to make which product?

20 / 20

In tennis, players face each other across what?

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The average score is 82%

21 Oct

1 / 20

In which sport would you find athletes attempting to jump over a high bar without knocking it down?

2 / 20

Which sea is the lowest point on Earth’s surface and is known for its high salt concentration?

3 / 20

In which sport might players risk a shoulder injury due to tackling?

4 / 20

Which form of transportation is most likely to encounter trouble during turbulence?

5 / 20

Which specific branch of science focuses on the study of living organisms?

6 / 20

Which city is located at the edge of two continents, Europe and Asia?

7 / 20

Instead of sugar, which natural sweetener is often used as a substitute in beverages?

8 / 20

Intellectual property laws protect creations of the mind, such as which of the following?

9 / 20

Which city is renowned for its beautiful canals and is known as the “Floating City”?

10 / 20

Which sea lies between Europe and Africa and is connected to the Atlantic Ocean?

11 / 20

The Middle Ages occurred between which two significant historical periods in Europe?

12 / 20

Which institution is responsible for preserving historical documents like the Declaration of Independence?

13 / 20

Which legendary Greek hero faced his fear to slay the Gorgon Medusa?

14 / 20

Throughout history, which empire was renowned for building extensive road networks across Europe?

15 / 20

Vaccinations successfully eradicated which disease that once caused widespread pandemics?

16 / 20

If you experience car trouble on a trip, which service should you contact for immediate assistance?

17 / 20

Following a specific recipe is crucial when baking which delicate dessert known for its tendency to collapse?

18 / 20

In a beehive, each individual bee has a role; which type of bee gathers nectar and pollen?

19 / 20

Which ocean lies along the eastern edge of the United States?

20 / 20

Which planet in our solar system is the farthest from the Sun?

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